Cats have been domesticated for thousands of years and are among the most popular pets worldwide. Their independent nature, playful personality, and affectionate behaviour make them wonderful companions. However, some cat owners may have noticed their feline friends displaying jealous behaviours towards other cats or even humans.
But can cats actually feel jealousy? This question has sparked much debate among cat owners and experts alike. In this article, we explore the concept of jealousy in cats, examining what scientists and studies suggest. We will also discuss common signs of jealousy and how to manage these behaviours.
What is Jealousy?
Jealousy is a complex emotion studied extensively in humans and primates but less so in other animals. It is often considered an advanced cognitive ability requiring self-awareness and an understanding of relationships. However, recent studies have shown that some animals, including dogs and monkeys, exhibit basic forms of jealousy.
Psychologists define jealousy as an emotional response to a real or perceived threat to a valued relationship. It involves feelings of fear, anger, and resentment towards a rival. In humans, it can manifest as possessiveness, aggression, or resentment.
Can Cats Feel Jealousy?
While there is no definitive answer, evidence suggests that cats may experience jealousy. A study published in Animal Cognition found that cats displayed distress when their owners gave attention to objects such as a stuffed cat or a book, rather than to them. This behaviour was not observed when owners interacted with inanimate objects, suggesting an emotional response rather than mere possessiveness.
Additionally, research from the University of California, San Diego, indicated that cats were more likely to exhibit aggressive behaviours towards feline housemates when their owners showed affection towards the other cat. This suggests that cats may experience envy and competition for their owner’s attention.
Signs of Jealousy in Cats
Jealousy in cats can manifest in various ways, and it is important for owners to recognise these signs and address them appropriately:
Aggressive behaviour – This can include hissing, growling, swatting, or even biting, directed at the perceived rival or owner.
Attention-seeking behaviour – Jealous cats may jump on laps, meow excessively, rub against their owner, or knock objects over.
Peeing or spraying outside the litter box – Marking territory is a common response to stress and perceived threats.
Excessive vocalisation – Increased meowing or yowling, especially when the owner interacts with another pet.
Clinginess – A jealous cat may become overly attached, following their owner constantly and becoming distressed when ignored.
Managing Jealousy in Cats
While jealousy is a natural emotion, there are steps owners can take to minimise its impact:
Ensure equal attention – Make sure all pets receive affection and interaction to prevent rivalry.
Socialisation – Expose cats to other animals and people from a young age to reduce feelings of threat.
Provide a stimulating environment – Offer toys, climbing areas, and designated safe spaces.
Maintain a routine – Consistent feeding, playtime, and quiet time help reduce stress.
Seek professional help – If jealousy leads to severe aggression or stress, consult a vet or animal behaviourist for guidance.
Is it Worth the Effort?
Addressing jealousy in cats requires patience and effort, but it can strengthen the bond between pet and owner. Managing jealous behaviours benefits the cat’s well-being and creates a more harmonious household for all members. Understanding feline emotions leads to a closer relationship built on trust and mutual respect.
Planning a Trip? Choose Hotel for Cats
Next time you travel, don’t worry about leaving your feline friend behind. Choose Hotel for Cats, the ultimate cat boarding experience where your pet can relax in comfort while you’re away. Our dedicated staff are available seven days a week to ensure your cat’s needs are met.
Our facilities include:
Private deluxe suites
Enrichment activities
Custom bedding and furniture
TV and entertainment
Relaxation and climbing areas
During peak periods such as Easter, Christmas, and school holidays, we offer special discounts for longer stays, ensuring top-quality care at an affordable price. Book now and give your cat the luxury holiday they deserve. Use our BIGSTAY coupon for extra savings 17 nights or more!